
Born in March 2015, Beryl, a white and tan Cockerpooh, was one of a litter of 8 from Bridlington in East Yorkshire. She came into my life at the tender age of 12 weeks and has been with me every day ever since. Of all the puppies in the litter, when I went to view them, she was the one that came straight over to me and wanted cuddles. She has always been an affectionate dog, but likes her own space, and like me, she can be a bit grumpy at times, especially if a larger dog comes to close. Beryl loves being outside, and can often be found, on long walks, lagging behind and sniffing every scent there is in the area. She is not to fond of the water.


A chocolate brown Cockerpooh born in September 2016 Bunty is half sister to Beryl. They share the same father but have different mothers, from the same breeder in Bridlington. Bunty joined Beryl and myself aged 16 weeks and was one from a litter of 6. As the younger of the 2 dogs she sometimes tries to be dominant over Beryl, but she is soon put in her place by the older dog. Like her half sister Bunty loves being outside, and is not affraid of water, which is a good thing, because out of the 2 she has fallen in the canal the most. I think to date, in the past 3 years, its at least 5 times, but she always comes out with her tail wagging, so no harm done

Narrowboat Dogs

Both Beryl and Bunty love their life as canal narrowboat dogs, and like me, they would rather be out in nature than stuck indoors. When moving the boat they can be found sitting on the stern area with me, Beryl with her head out the side watching the world go by, and Bunty curled up in the engine room where its warmer, particularly in the winter. In the warmer months they both like sitting on the roof area sunning themselves, and being cooled by the breeze as we cruise along the canal. The downside with that is they are not very helpful when it comes to opening and closing locks, and they enjoy sitting there watching me do all the hard work.

"Living on a narrowboat has transformed my retirement. The freedom, adventure, and connection with nature are unmatched. Beryl and Bunty love it too"

Follow us on our YouTube channel, Narrowboat Living for Seniors

Gary Paterson
